First, connect with patients emotionally. Instead of re-assuring patients first (“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you”), acknowledge patients where they are emotionally by empathizing first. Say something like, “Yes, I understand that you’re nervous about what the test results might reveal. I know waiting for them can make you very uneasy. That’s normal, so I can definitely understand your anxiety.
When we do get the results, we’ll share them with you as soon as possible. Next, we’ll work with you on the treatment plan that is the best one for you specifically.”
Try the following as your starting point for each patient interaction you have this week. Remember: Each patient is afraid. …even though not all of them articulate their fears aloud. They have different levels of fear. What are they afraid of? Here’s a list of some of their fears….
- >The diagnosis
- The treatment
- Being out of the comfort and familiarity of their own homes
- This new doctor that I have never met before (I’ve known my PCP for 20 years!)
- Being away from family members
- Pain
- Not going home soon enough
- Going home too soon
- “Will I recover?”
- “Will I die?”
- “Am I dying?”
- The test results
- “Will my family (or my work) find out about this?”
- “Will I remember which medications to take and when?”
- Blood
- Going home to an empty house
- Infections
- Having to go to a nursing home because I can’t take care of myself anymore
- Etc.
If you are curious about how you, your team, or your organization can achieve patient experience success, contact me and we will work together to create a plan that will work for your situation. I have worked at scores of hospitals across the country. I’d be more than happy to provide references and offer you a free consultation via phone.

James McKenna
James McKenna is a well-known, trusted executive coach with a proven track record of optimizing performance (both individual, as well as organizational). Working with executive, physician and nursing teams at leading health systems nationwide, James helps successful leaders broaden and deepen their long-term, sustainable impact.
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