
This week’s Patient Satisfaction Tips come from Dr. Brown, Hospitalist. She addresses:

  • Relieving the Anxiety of the Patient (AND the FAMILY)
  • Connect with the Patient Emotionally first; clinically second.
  • Pain Management: Crucial conversations with Drug-seeking Patients

In one case, a 20-year old female patient came in with her mother. The patient was crying saying she was in much pain and needed some meds to get relief. After interviewing the patient and the mother, Dr. Brown realized that the mother was not aware of the daughter’s drug-seeking behavior. Dr. Brown gently explained to the young woman that this kind of behavior could lead to addiction. Addiction could ruin her life.

Dr. Brown was gentle, but straightforward. The mother appreciated Dr. Brown’s forthrightness. In fact, the mother became very supportive of Dr.Brown’s advice.

This approach may not work with all patients who present with these symptoms, but it worked for Dr. Brown in this scenario.

James McKenna

James McKenna is a well-known, trusted executive coach with a proven track record of optimizing performance (both individual, as well as organizational). Working with executive, physician and nursing teams at leading health systems nationwide, James helps successful leaders broaden and deepen their long-term, sustainable impact.

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