240 258 8048 admin@jamesmckenna.org

Clinician Leaders Around the World

I’m grateful to be able to work alongside successful, visionary, empathetic

clinicians from around the world,

helping them broaden and deepen their healing impact for others and for themselves.

Here is what a few of them had to say…

“He tenido el honor de formar parte del Board of Trustees del American College of Cardiology en los últimos 3 años. Formar parte de este Board es un gran desafío particularmente para un miembro del ACC no basado en USA. Jim McKenna me ayudó a identificar las fortalezas a aprovechar y las debilidades a corregir. Jim tiene una clara visión de la dinámica del liderazgo en el campo de la medicina y del fortalecimiento de estructuras colegiadas como el Board of Trustees. Mi relación profesional y personal con Jim McKenna ha sido muy enriquecedora y gratificante.”


“I have had the honor of serving on the Board of Trustees of the American College of Cardiology for the past 3 years. Being part of this Board is a great challenge, particularly for a member of the ACC not based in the USA. Jim McKenna helped me identify strengths to leverage and weaknesses to correct. Jim has a clear vision of the dynamics of leadership in the field of medicine and the strengthening of collegiate structures such as the Board of Trustees. My professional and personal relationship with Jim McKenna has been very enriching and rewarding.”

Daniel José Piñeiro MD, FACC
Professor of Medicine, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Board of Trustees, American College Cardiology
President, World Heart Federation

“ J’ai travaillé avec Jim pour sortir d’un burnout professionnel et parental. Jim m’a aidé à analyser les causes de mon burnout ce qui m’a plus tard aidé à éviter de retomber dans le même problème. Il m’a aidé à trouver les mots adequats pour exprimer mes sentiments, et pour apprendre à dire non, outil essentiel pour éviter le burnout. Grâce à lui je comprends mieux ma personnalité, ma force et mes limites, et j’arrive à mieux communiquer et à dire non de temps en temps. J’arrive à reconnaitre le moment où j’atteins mes limites et j’ai les outils qui me permettent de me ressourcer et de rester résiliante face au stress de ma vie professionnelle et familiale.”

 Dr. Corinne Ahmar
Hospitalist Leader

We all have skills that are under-appreciated and others can learn from. An important lesson learnt in the BCS Emerging Leaders Programme. Special thanks to @JLMcKenna13 for his coaching…

Dr. Shazia Hussain,
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust,
United Kingdom

The coaching process helped me look at the bigger picture and see the interplay between personal and professional life. it also helped me be more mindful about work/life balance and operationalize that in my life. I’m in a better place than I was a year ago.

Dr. Arjun Ghosh
Consultant Cardiologist at Barts Heart Center, London and at University College London Hospital

Click here for Jim McKenna podcast with Dr.  Arjun Ghosh


It has been a pleasure to work with James over the past twelve months developing a wellbeing and resilience programme for cardiology trainees in Ireland. James’s knowledge and insights on these topics coupled with his inclusive approach, facilitated the trainee group as they explored, developed and implemented a programme driven by needs identified by themselves. His ability to guide both group and one to one sessions is very impressive and the Irish cardiology trainee group have benefited greatly from working with James and having exposure to his expertise.

Barbra Dalton
Executive Administrator, Irish Board for Training in Cardiovascular Medicine. Dublin, Ireland.

Click here for podcast with Irish cardiology trainees Neasa Starr and Billy Gibson

“Ho avuto la possibilità di incontrare James durante il mio percorso professionale, e non soltanto si è rivelata un’esperienza preziosa per il mio lavoro da cardiologa, ma anche per la mia crescita personale.

James mi ha aiutato a capire come meglio relazionarmi con i miei pari e con i miei superiori, cercando di esaltare le mie doti positive e fare dei miei punti deboli dei punti di forza.

In Italia non è ancora molto sviluppato il concetto di leadership coaching, ma io lo raccomando a tutti i miei colleghi, e in particolare alle donne in carriera, per rendere ancora più preziosa, speciale e vincente la crescita personale e professionale. “

Dr. Emilia D’Elia, Cardiologist, Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, Bergamo, Italy.


I had the opportunity to meet James during my professional career, and not only has he proved to be a valuable experience for my work as a cardiologist, but also for my personal growth.

James helped me understand how best to relate to my peers and superiors, trying to enhance my positive qualities and convert my weak points into strengths.

In Italy the concept of leadership coaching is not yet very developed, but I recommend it to all my colleagues, and in particular to career women, to make personal and professional growth even more precise, impactful and valuable.

Dr. Emilia D’Elia, Cardiologist, Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, Bergamo, Italy.


Global Leadership Training

Irish Board for Training in Cardiovascular Medicine; Dublin, Ireland. Annual meeting

A global curiosity about people and cultures has led me to many fun adventures in over 30 countries.  As a result, I enjoy travel and have resided in New York, Paris, Munich, Nairobi, Phoenix, San Francisco and Dakar. I’ve helped move the dial on performance while working at places including IBM France, the OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) and the United Nations. These multicultural experiences definitely help when relating to many of the clinicians with whom I work.  They trust me to help them find ways to bring more joy and meaning into their roles.

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