
DiSC is an acronym that stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. It’s a behavioral assessment model that helps individuals understand their preferred behaviors and how they interact with others.

What DiSC Means

Here’s a breakdown of each component:

  • Dominance (D): People with a high D preference tend to be direct, assertive, and results-oriented. They enjoy challenges and prefer taking charge.
  • Influence (I): People with a high I preference tend to be enthusiastic, optimistic, and people-oriented. They enjoy socializing and building relationships.
  • Steadiness (S): People with a high S preference tend to be patient, cooperative, and supportive. They value harmony and stability.
  • Conscientiousness (C): People with a high C preference tend to be analytical, precise, and detail-oriented. They value accuracy and quality.

When DiSC is Used

The DiSC model is often used in various settings, including:

  • Team building: Understanding team dynamics and improving collaboration.
  • Leadership development: Identifying leadership styles and strengths.
  • Sales and customer service: Enhancing communication and relationship building.
  • Conflict resolution: Resolving conflicts more effectively.

By understanding their own DiSC profile and the profiles of others, individuals can improve their communication, teamwork, and overall effectiveness.

James McKenna

James McKenna is a seasoned healthcare executive coach with a proven track record of optimizing organizational performance. Drawing on extensive experience working with executive, physician, and nursing teams at leading health systems nationwide, James brings a wealth of knowledge to his role as a healthcare leadership consultant.