HCAHPS stands for Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Hospitals. It is a standardized survey that measures patients’ perceptions of their hospital experience. The survey is administered to patients after they have been discharged from the hospital.
HCAHPS is a valuable tool for hospitals as it provides feedback on the quality of care patients receive. The survey results are used to:
- Improve patient satisfaction: Hospitals can use the feedback from HCAHPS to identify areas where they can improve the patient experience.
- Benchmark performance: Hospitals can compare their HCAHPS scores to other hospitals in the region or nationally.
- Measure quality of care: HCAHPS scores can be used as a measure of the quality of care provided by a hospital.
- Receive reimbursement: HCAHPS scores are used to determine a portion of Medicare’s Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP) program, which rewards hospitals for providing high-quality care.
Overall, HCAHPS is a crucial tool for hospitals to assess and improve the quality of care they provide.

James McKenna
James McKenna is a seasoned healthcare executive coach with a proven track record of optimizing organizational performance. Drawing on extensive experience working with executive, physician, and nursing teams at leading health systems nationwide, James brings a wealth of knowledge to his role as a healthcare leadership consultant.