Imagine you were able to provide on-demand, immediately applicable, high-impact support perfectly targeted to each one of your individual physician colleague’s developmental needs.
Then imagine that this just-in-time knowledge helped them maximize their performance not only for themselves, but also for the improvement of the team, for the enhanced satisfaction of patients and for the hospital’s/group’s reputation to be synonymous with world class quality outcomes and empathetic care.
Consider This
Consider these unique situations and physicians on your team:
For example, your “early-career” provider just recently out of residency and trying to be successful in her first year as an attending physician. What would she need? Maybe she needs clinical support for the tough cases, maybe she needs confidence to speak up and hold her own with some of the tougher-to-manage, later-career physicians and maybe she needs time management, stress management and work/life balance skills.
What about your mid-career, new physician leader? He has years of experience as a great clinician under his belt. He has just been placed into a position of managing a team of other providers because of his great clinical skills. He achieved great outcomes in the past, but is now struggling to communicate to the team about how to do the same. He’s an introverted, deep thinker who struggles to connect with certain members of the team who are more vocal. He also realizes that some of his former peer physicians treat him a bit differently now that he has a ‘leadership role’. It’s hard to collaboratively build a vision, motivate others and communicate with the leaders from other teams. His supervisor thinks he can do it, but this new leader needs support and 1v1 assistance to better understand leadership and management best practices, an education he’s never received before…and never knew he needed.
Next, you have your mid-career, experienced physician leader who pushes her team to achieve great outcomes… and burns them out in the process… She herself works long days and has a hard time with others who may not have that energy, the ‘commitment’, the intelligence or availability to do the same. She’s gotten promotions in the past based on her accountability skills, yet her self-awareness is lacking and team turnover is high. She needs help with emotional and social intelligence…maybe some insights about using compassion and empathy to maximize the productivity of her existing team…maybe she needs help seeing the ‘big picture’ in creating a stable, high-reliability team, rather than a unit of resentful, turnstile providers without any sense of team loyalty.
Last, you have a mid-to-late-career physician executive/ department leader at a top branded academic medical center. He leads his team who consistently publishes more industry-leading research than most of his rival medical systems nationally. He’s internationally known as a leader in his field. He has deep emotional intelligence with direct reports. He’s a strong mentor and has good relationships with his peers who greatly respect him. During his few clinical shifts, patients love his bedside manner.
Yet he struggles regarding how to interact with his academic supervisor with whom he doesn’t always share a common, futuristic vision. Head-hunters with roles at other top places call him weekly. He wants to stay in his current role, yet he feels conflicted and resentful. He recognizes that he needs help having tough conversations and influencing in a different way. Imagine you could help this high-flyer continue to excel at even greater levels next year. What would that look like? How would you do it?
To oversimplify a response to that question: Imagine you offered a solution that opened the door for this person to see additional options forward that he hadn’t considered before.
In fact, imagine that each one of these physicians described above, received exactly what they needed, in terms of their own development, when they needed it, in the format, method, medium and dosage that worked just right for them. What could they (and you) achieve then?
Benefits of Coaching
That’s where customized physician coaching comes in – whether it’s executive coaching, leadership coaching, resiliency coaching (for those who are burnt-out) and/or a hybrid of the above. That’s where 1v1, fully-focused, individualized support can make a world of difference for your critically important providers, at any level of their career. It can help them see new possibilities.
James McKenna focuses on coaching medical professionals (physicians, nurses, APPs, non-clinicians, healthcare executives) nationwide and globally. He helps them increase their capacity, enhance their personal satisfaction and achieve great results for others – for their patients, their teams, their organizations, their communities, as well as the medical/industry knowledge they leave behind as part of their legacy, for others and the next generation.
You (and they) cannot afford to continue without this kind of focused development. For more specific details about how James McKenna can assist you and your team, contact him for an impactful, exploratory dialogue.

James McKenna
James McKenna is a well-known, trusted executive coach with a proven track record of optimizing performance (both individual, as well as organizational). Working with executive, physician and nursing teams at leading health systems nationwide, James helps successful leaders broaden and deepen their long-term, sustainable impact.
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