Read latest insights from James McKenna, including reflections on leadership, as well as tips to reduce stress, reduce burnout, and bring mindfulness to each and every experience.
Introduction This week’s Patient Satisfaction Tips come from Dr. Brown, Hospitalist. She addresses: Relieving the Anxiety of the Patient (AND the FAMILY) Connect with the Patient Emotionally first; clinically second. [...]
Introduction When you are rounding with the nurse and discussing the overall care plan with the patient and the nurse, make sure to include a discussion about pain management at [...]
Introduction It begins with listening well. In the words of Sir William Osler (one of the founding fathers of Johns Hopkins) 1, “Listening is unspoken caring.” If one doesn’t truly [...]
Introduction First, connect with patients emotionally. Instead of re-assuring patients first (“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you”), acknowledge patients where they are emotionally by empathizing first. Say something like, [...]