When you are rounding with the nurse and discussing the overall care plan with the patient and the nurse, make sure to include a discussion about pain management at that time. At the very least let the patient know that, “We want to do everything possible to help you with your pain.” (See HCAHPS question below.)
If the nurse begins to leave the bedside during this important three-way discussion (patient, nurse, doctor), invite her/him back in a respectful and cheerful way that gives the patient confidence that all three of you are connected in this very important dialogue. (Remember to “manage up” the nurse – say something respectful about the nurse which gives the patient confidence.)
How can you assure that the nurse will stay with you for the duration of the care plan discussion with the patient? Meet with her/him for a minute or two before you go in to see the patient. Ask the nurse politely to stay present. After all, it’s in his/her best interest to be there at that time, too.
The patient will perceive a great hospital experience if they perceive that the doctor and nurse are working well together, and that, they (the patients) are a respected party included in that process.
- During this hospital stay, how often was your pain well controlled?
- During this hospital stay, how often did the hospital staff do everything they could to help you with your pain?

James McKenna
James McKenna is a well-known, trusted executive coach with a proven track record of optimizing performance (both individual, as well as organizational). Working with executive, physician and nursing teams at leading health systems nationwide, James helps successful leaders broaden and deepen their long-term, sustainable impact.
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