A Chat with Dr. Rajiv Sankar, Heart Failure Consultant Cardiologist (Aintree University Hospital and Community). NIHR CRN Scholar, British Cardiac Society. Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science.
Successful physician, researcher, technology entrepreneur, Dr. Rajiv Sankar survived cancer, COVID and the Dragon’s Den, to show us what helplessness feels like and how to connect to patients with empathy. Rajiv reminds us that leadership coaching is still often a foreign concept in the UK. Originally a skeptic, he then details how the process turned him around, heightened his awareness and opened his mind to new possibilities.

James McKenna
James McKenna is a seasoned healthcare executive coach with a proven track record of optimizing organizational performance. Drawing on extensive experience working with executive, physician, and nursing teams at leading health systems nationwide, James brings a wealth of knowledge to his role as a healthcare leadership consultant.