By Dr. Robert Hendel, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCCT, MASNC, Professor of Medicine and Radiology, Tulane University, School of Medicine; Trustee, American College Cardiology (ACC); former President, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.
Ever the contrarian, Dr. Hendel doesn’t pull any punches: “Jim, I initially thought you and this leadership stuff were ridiculous. After more introspection, I’m now drinking the kool-aid. I understand change and transitions more and have a better sense of ‘healthy conflict’.” Dr. Hendel reveals how these are important for a leader and how an executive coach reminded him of his tombstone.

James McKenna
James McKenna is a seasoned healthcare executive coach with a proven track record of optimizing organizational performance. Drawing on extensive experience working with executive, physician, and nursing teams at leading health systems nationwide, James brings a wealth of knowledge to his role as a healthcare leadership consultant.