Dr. Hadley Wilson

“Jim is very insightful and tactful with sharing these insights for improvement which is the mark of a great coach. He inspires confidence and appropriate boldness when action needs to be taken. I know I would not have been as successful or satisfied with my performance if he had not counseled me at opportune and appropriate times. I highly recommend him to anyone who is seeking improvement in leadership while achieving massive organizational goals."

By |2025-01-17T15:03:18-04:00December 15, 2024|Comments Off on Dr. Hadley Wilson

Dr. Jim Rost

"James McKenna is a proven, world-class executive coach who is a master of facilitating conversations that have led to the enhancement of our executive team’s communication, collaboration and connectedness. As a result, our team has developed stronger relationships, better processes and better outcomes, whose positive impact extends across our organization and ultimately to our patients and their families. Having the ability to tap into James’ experience, as a healthcare thought leader to provide a unique, unbiased and insightful perspective, has been helpful to my professional growth as the CMO of my health system, as well as for my own personal wellbeing, thus that of my family."

By |2024-12-10T14:55:00-04:00December 5, 2024|Comments Off on Dr. Jim Rost

Dr. Carolyn Baier O’Conor

“Professional coaching with Jim has been incredibly valuable to me. I am nearer the end of my career than the beginning…I felt I had at least one last act left in my professional life. I was satisfied with what I have achieved thus far and wanted to try expanding or using what I’ve learned to tackle something bigger. Defining that and finding that path was proving to be challenging. For these reasons, Jim’s wisdom and perspective have been so useful to me as I launch this next phase.”

By |2024-09-27T19:28:13-04:00September 27, 2024|Comments Off on Dr. Carolyn Baier O’Conor

Dr. Corinne Ahmar

“J’ai travaillé avec Jim pour sortir d’un burnout professionnel et parental. Jim m’a aidé à analyser les causes de mon burnout ce qui m’a plus tard aidé à éviter de retomber dans le même problème. Il m’a aidé à trouver les mots adequats pour exprimer mes sentiments, et pour apprendre à dire non, outil essentiel pour éviter le burnout. Grâce à lui je comprends mieux ma personnalité, ma force et mes limites, et j’arrive à mieux communiquer et à dire non de temps en temps. J’arrive à reconnaitre le moment où j’atteins mes limites et j’ai les outils qui me permettent de me ressourcer et de rester résiliante face au stress de ma vie professionnelle et familiale.”

By |2024-12-05T16:11:21-04:00September 27, 2024|Comments Off on Dr. Corinne Ahmar

Dr. Emilia D’Elia

“Ho avuto la possibilità di incontrare James durante il mio percorso professionale, e non soltanto si è rivelata un’esperienza preziosa per il mio lavoro da cardiologa, ma anche per la mia crescita personale. James mi ha aiutato a capire come meglio relazionarmi con i miei pari e con i miei superiori, cercando di esaltare le mie doti positive e fare dei miei punti deboli dei punti di forza. In Italia non è ancora molto sviluppato il concetto di leadership coaching, ma io lo raccomando a tutti i miei colleghi, e in particolare alle donne in carriera, per rendere ancora più preziosa, speciale e vincente la crescita personale e professionale.“

By |2025-01-09T18:24:22-04:00September 27, 2024|Comments Off on Dr. Emilia D’Elia

Aarthi Sabanayagam MBBS, MD, FACC

“Jim McKenna was a ‘chance twitter find’ but worth more than his weight in gold! Faced with multi-faceted intersectionality at work I sought Jim out and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I warmed up to him and trusted his insights as well as his thoughtful observations and non-judgmental critiques of our sessions. Jim has helped me cultivate and refine my leadership and communication style which has been extremely helpful . While I wish I had signed up for leadership coaching sooner however I truly believe the right coach is important and if you happen to come across this testimonial you won’t be making a mistake in signing up with him.“

By |2024-10-24T12:31:24-04:00September 27, 2024|Comments Off on Aarthi Sabanayagam MBBS, MD, FACC

Dr. Carolynn Young

“Jim helped me understand my leadership style, and with that, my strengths and weaknesses. I also learned to develop strategies to confront and succeed in conflict. Jim helped me develop the different roles of my life, and in creating balance. He assisted me in developing and implementing a sustainable strategy to thrive, not just survive. The skills I learned from working with Jim will serve me well for the rest of my career. I am eternally grateful! “

By |2024-10-24T12:31:12-04:00September 27, 2024|Comments Off on Dr. Carolynn Young

Dr. Andrei I.

“I served as the Medical Director of a large (50+) Adult Hospital Medicine group for three years. I worked with Jim as a leadership coach during this interval… the interactions with him were transformative. Jim helped me keep a broad perspective and identify growth paths that were mine and mine alone. His assessments and analysis of our group and of the leadership team gave me an unparalleled amount of clarity for our next steps. When I decided to step down from my position and take a leadership break, I sought Jim’s advice and expertise once again. The return from Medical Director to peer provider, was a soft landing, thanks to Jim’s advice and perspective. I feel fortunate that I had a chance to work with him and I am looking forward to doing so in the future.“

By |2024-10-13T18:30:48-04:00September 27, 2024|Comments Off on Dr. Andrei I.
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